13 Easy Ways You Can Reduce Stress Now

13 Easy Ways You Can Reduce Stress Now

Posted by Luke Coffey on

Lockdown isn't making life easy and unfortunately we don't know when it is going to end. But luckily there are some quick and easy ways you can reduce your stress now. Check them out.

  • Slow down - It is okay to take a break or do things slower than you usually would. Lockdown is mentally and physically taxing and it is okay to slow down.
  • Say "no" - Sometimes the easiest way to reduce stress is to stop adding things to your plate. It's okay to say no, especially now.
  • Breathing exercises - Try a breathing exercise to help calm your nervous system and reduce your stress.
  • it out - Dancing produces endorphins, makes you feel good and it a lot of fun.
  • Meditate - Take a few minutes out of your day to sit very still and quieten your mind.
  • Hug a loved one - Physical touch does a lot to relieve stress, and hugging a loved one produces oxytocin which is especially beneficial right now. 
  • Practice gratitude - Focus on what you love, why you are grateful and thankful for it, and you'll feel some of that stress just melt away.
  • Indulge in feel-good foods - We're in a lockdown, it's okay to take a break from that diet once in a while. Have some tasty foods as a treat for getting through the day.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation - This involves relaxing all the muscles in your body group by group. Here is a great tutorial to help you get started.
  • Go for a walk - Going for a short walk will help you get some exercise, get some fresh air and also help you change up your day.
  • Aromatherapy - Aromatherapy has real benefits for stress relief and can help you feel more relaxed at home.
  • Get creative - Draw, paint or sculpt something. Creating your first masterpiece and getting it touch with your creative side is great for getting your mind off things and reducing stress.
  • Reach out - If you need some help ask for it. There is nothing wrong with needing help and having that social support is so important right now.


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